Damian39s discipline kc wells epub
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Не моя это музыка. Our lower natures are in control and running rampant!
If there is a survey it only takes 5 minutes, try any survey which works for you. Не моя это музыка. In spite of that, I went straight to the point. I had made strides since Damian had taken control. Book Descriptions: Book damians discipline collars and cuffs kc wells in Audio and Ebook Format. But when he glimpses the extent of the damage, Damian wants to do more than offer his guestroom. The thought made my heart ache.
Book Descriptions: Book damians discipline collars and cuffs kc wells in Audio and Ebook Format. Да и просто люблю P. Practice What You Are Not Good At...
ABOUT THIS CONFERENCE - You must learn by doing how to live in holiness before God in your body. As we saw last week, Paul talks about enjoying God and then moves on to talk about discipline.
This miraculous, proven new ski will enable you to ski like a champion! Just put it on, point down the steepest slope you can find, and you will experience the thrill previously known only to Olympic skiers! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! We all know that there is no effortless, easy way to becoming a champion skier. To make the Olympics, those racers have spent countless hours both on and off the slopes disciplining themselves for the goal of winning the gold. Any promise of some miraculous way to do what they do apart from the years of training and hard work they have put themselves through would clearly be bogus. Read this book, or try this method, and you will never struggle again. But none of these panaceas deliver what they claim. There is no way to godliness except through discipline. In my 17 years of pastoral experience, I have discovered that, more than any other quality, self-discipline will have the greatest influence on whether you do well spiritually or not. Invariably, defeated Christians are undisciplined Christians. We live in a society that offers a quick fix to every problem. But mark it well: You will not succeed spiritually if you do not become a disciplined person. Why do those Olympic athletes drive themselves relentlessly for years? The key to being a disciplined Christian is to be a motivated Christian. What is it that should motivate us to discipline ourselves for godliness? Because eternal issues are at stake, we must discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness. Eternal issues are at stake. Eternity is the issue. Nothing could be more important! Paul mentions three eternal issues which will motivate us to discipline ourselves for godliness: A. The fact of eternity itself should motivate us to discipline ourselves for godliness 4:8. He is not despising bodily exercise. Rather, he is making a comparison between bodily exercise and spiritual exercise. We ought to work much harder at godliness than we do at our games! The great evangelist, George Whitefield, once told of seeing some criminals riding in a cart on their way to the gallows. They were arguing like a bunch of kids going on a trip about who should sit on the right hand of the cart. Here were men condemned to die that very day, but their focus was on who got the best seat on the way to the execution! You see people in our beauty-obsessed culture who are health nuts. They eat all the proper foods. They take vitamins and minerals. They work out to keep in shape. We tend to think that we and others will live forever. Because eternity is a fact, we should discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness. The fact of the living God should motivate us to discipline ourselves for godliness 4:10. He is not the projection of our minds. He created the universe and all that is in it. Because He is the living God, we can live each day in communion with Him. If there is no eternity with the living God, then eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow you die 1 Cor. The fact of salvation should motivate us to discipline ourselves for godliness 4:10. We know that he does not mean that all people will be saved. If that were so, then why did Paul pour out his life for the gospel? Paul clearly taught that Christ is returning to take His people to be with Him, but also to deal out retribution and judgment to those who have not obeyed the gospel 2 Thess. Not all will be saved. There are two main interpretations. But in a special sense He is the Savior of believers, since He not only gives them temporal blessings, but eternal deliverance from His judgment. The problem with this view is that it forces on the word Savior an unusual meaning that does not fit the context. He has provided salvation for all, but it is only applied to those who believe in Christ. But God has provided a sufficient salvation for all who will believe. So these eternal issues—the fact of eternity itself; the fact of the living God; and, the fact of salvation—provide the motivation for the hardship of discipline unto godliness. Then comes the work: 2. We must discipline ourselves for godliness. What does it entail? I want to sketch what it is and is not. What discipline is and is not: 1 Discipline is an ongoing process, not a quick fix. The verb is a present imperative, pointing to a process. By definition, discipline means acting against your feelings because you have a higher goal. If we violate our feelings, we might do some sort of psychological damage! Or, you feel like sacking in; but your goal is to be godly, so you roll out of bed, grab your Bible, and spend time with the Lord. Discipline is something in which both God and you must be involved. That is, when the Spirit of God controls you, He gives you the ability to control yourself. We have to say no to things that hinder us from our purpose. It certainly means controlling the TV set! He takes God seriously and recognizes the practical implications in terms of developing a godly thought life, godly speech, and godly actions. The way we move toward that goal in the words of Heb. An athlete works his schedule around his goal. He says no to many good activities so that he can say yes to his daily workout. And how we spend our minutes and hours is how we spend our days. The goal of godliness demands that you spend time each day alone with God in His Word and prayer. We all have the same number of hours in our day. We all make time to do what we want to do. The question is, Is your schedule in line with your goal of becoming a godly person? And discipline, though it sounds restrictive, is the only way to true freedom. Someone who has disciplined himself to play the piano or speak a foreign language is free to do things I am restricted from doing. As we saw last week, Paul talks about enjoying God and then moves on to talk about discipline. They go hand in hand. We need the balance of Scripture which teaches that God rested after His labor, and so should we. He made our bodies to require sleep. By His grace, I can labor and strive for His purpose, but I can also relax and not worry that somehow His purpose will flounder without me. This point also comes from the balance of Scripture, not directly from our text. How we implement discipline: 1 By being constantly nourished in the truths of the faith 4:6. God saw fit to record His truth in written form. Almost anyone can learn to read. That may be a necessary step in disciplining yourself for godliness. Meanwhile, get the Bible on tape and listen to it daily. Start out with 15 minutes a day reading the Bible and 5-10 minutes in prayer. But you need spiritual nourishment from the Word as much as you need to eat. Also, we implement spiritual discipline... It is to change our lives. I may need to change my behavior. The Word often confronts my selfishness. Remember, the goal of the Christian life is not happiness and fulfillment. It is godliness and becoming a good servant of Christ Jesus 4:6. But the beautiful irony is that as we pursue that goal, God blesses us with true joy and fulfillment, because godliness holds promise both for the present life and for the life to come 4:8. Exercise is discipline and discipline is hard work, and who likes hard work? And yet, like it or not, discipline is essential for godliness. And godliness is essential because eternity is certain. There are no shortcuts, no easy, effortless ways to godliness. But if you have fixed your hope on the living God who is the Savior, can you do anything less than discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness? How about one week? How can we do likewise in our busy culture? Copyright 1994, Steven J. Cole, All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation Related Topics:.
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